Sunday, December 21, 2008

Day3 Recovery and Partying

Most of the day was us recovering from all the activity while still getting over jet lag so... today was a little exploring around a few blocks from where we live and then resting until later in the day. Alex's college Rikkyo University was having a Christmas party and had invited us to come. I met a lot more of the foreign exchange students who were all really welcoming and so were all of the Japanese locals they seemed very interested in meeting John and I as we were easily the most noticeable people in the room because of our height. They even made us name tags in Japanese and were happy to try and speak English to us as best they can which was a nice treat because most of them are really shy about using their English because they are afraid of making mistakes. After the dinner and conversation we continued over to the Rikkyo University gateway which held two MASSIVE Christmas trees. After most people decided what they wanted to do for the rest of the night our group made our way to a park up the road. We all gathered and talked and joked and had a merry time. I met some really nice exchange students like Woodie (the crazy brit), Tesa (the angry aussie) and a guy who I can only remember calling moby (why? Because he looks like the singer Moby. It's sad to say but I can not remember all the Japanese names that were introduced to me that night but I assure you that they are all really amazing and warm people and were so much fun to hang out with.

That's pretty much all that happened that day because we took the chance to rest up.   

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