Monday, December 22, 2008

Day 5 Sitting around and saying goodbye

This day was mostly filled with recovering from Jump Festa and all the walking we did the day before. Alex Dimmick had to take some finals today so we were on our own for most of the day. John and I decided to go up to a tempura place and I did our ordering... I was quite proud of myself. Once Alex got out of class John hung back while I met Alex and Hissian (sorry if I killed the spelling) so they could do some shopping. After they finished they got a call to meet Moby and Woodie for a good bye hang out as Mody was leaving the next day and Woodie would be leaving soon as well. After they had a couple of drinks and we had some fish and chips (yes you can find those in Japan). We made our way to do the fantastic past time known as Puri Kura or “Print Club” which is basically a huge photo booth that you can make silly backgrounds then draw all over them after the picture has been taken. After that John and I stayed to play some of the best arcade games that Japan had to offer. Including an awesome new rhythm game balled “Jubeat” which you can see in the pictures ill be uploading soon. After that we headed home and went to bed with the promise of going to Akihabara (nerd paradise) tomorrow.

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