Saturday, December 27, 2008

3 day recap

I apologize for not updating sooner... but I got lazy with keeping this log.

Day 8 we just did some exploring around Takadanobaba and I headed up to one of the Shinto shrines near by and with the ground keeper's permission snapped some pictures. He was a very nice old man who explained bits of the Shinto religion to me and was very enthused that an American came and was interested in the shrine. All in all it was a nice day and an eye opening experience to have someone so enthused in their religion and have it explained without it forced upon you. I was very pleased with how some of the pictures came out too.

Day 9 was mostly a day for rest because that night we knew what was going to happen... Karaoke with the Koreans... it was an experience that I will never forget... I was surprised how many English songs they knew... it's strange to think that American music is so popular in Asian countries when it just seems to mediocre to me... More impressive still was the choreographed dances that the three Koreans were able to execute while singing... it was quite a sight~

Day10 Sleeping in... because we were up until 6am doing karaoke... I did some laundry and made a run to the market for some food. Later we met up with Alex and made a run to Book Off where you can get your fill of manga for 105 ($1.05) yen a book... which is outrageously cheap... we perused the selection but there was nothing we really really wanted.... We headed back to the room and watched the Battle Royale and made our plans for tomorrow..... Harajuku

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